Ajoutez cet article à vos liens favoris sur votre ordinateur et imprimez une copie pour l’accrocher dans votre bureau à Pékin et à votre domicile. Nous suggérons également d’identifier l’hôpital le plus proche de votre domicile, de votre bureau, de votre salle de gym, de l’école de votre enfant … sur une base régulière afin que vous sachiez quel hôpital appeler en cas de situation d’urgence.
Numéros abrégés
- Police: 110
- Incendie: 119
- Accidents de la route: 122
- Ambulance (Anglais): 999
- Ambulance (Chinois): 120
- Assistance internationale: 115
- Beijing Chaoyang District Center for Disease Control and Prevention: 6777 3512
- Service d’urgence pour les étrangers: 6525 5486 (Division of Aliens and Exit-Entry Administration of the Beijing Public Security Bureau)
- Centre Poison: 6609 8114
Services d’urgence internationaux – Hopitaux locaux et internationaux avec des services en anglais
Hopital | Numero d’urgence | Site internet |
United Family Hospital | 5927 7120 | http://beijing.ufh.com.cn/department_city/emergency |
International SOS Clinic | 6462 9100 | https://www.internationalsos.com/clinicsinchina/en/emergency-services.aspx |
China-Japan Friendship Hospital | 8420 5121 | http://english.zryhyy.com.cn/contact/index.html |
Global Doctors | 65280145 | http://globaldoctors.asia/v2/index.php/global-doctors-alliance/china/beijing-clinic |
Hong Kong International Medical Clinic, Beijing | 6553 2288 | http://www.hkclinic.com/en/ |
Vista Medical Center | 8529 6618 | http://www.vista-china.net/Home/VISTAASSISTANCE.aspx |
Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) | 6915 9180 | http://www.pumch.cn/Category_1200/Index.aspx |
International Medical Center | 6313 7608 | http://imd.cnkme.com/english/imc |
Beijing Friendship Hospital | 6301 6616 | http://www.bfh.com.cn/ |
Ambassades et consulats a Pekin
Country | Embassy phone number | Website |
Algeria | 6532-1231 | http://www.algeriaembassychina.net/ |
Angola | 6532-6969 | http://www.cnangola.com/ |
Australia | 5140-4111 | http://china.embassy.gov.au/bjng/home.html |
Austria | 6532-2061 | http://www.bmeia.gv.at/cn/botschaft/peking.html |
Bangladesh | 6532-2521 | http://www.bangladeshembassy.com.cn/ |
Belarus | 6532-1691 | http://by.china-embassy.org/ |
Belgium | 6532-1737 | http://diplomatie.belgium.be/china/ |
Bolivia | 6532-3074 | http://www.embolchina.com/ |
Botswana | 6539-1616 | http://www.botswanaembassy.com/ |
Brazil | 6532-2881 | |
Brunei | 6532-9773 | |
Bulgaria | 6532-1946 | http://www.chinaembassy.bg/chn/ |
Cambodia | 6532-1889 | http://www.embassyofcambodia.org/other_embassies.html |
Cameroon | 6532-1771 | |
Canada | 6532-3536 | http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/china-chine/index.aspx?lang=eng |
Chile | 6532-1591 | http://chileabroad.gov.cl/china/en |
Colombia | 6532-3377 | http://china.embajada.gov.co/ |
Cote d'lvoire | 6532-1482 | |
Croatia | 6532-6241 | http://cn.mvep.hr/en/ |
Cuba | 6532-6656 | http://www.cubadiplomatica.cu/china/ |
Czech Republic | 8532-9500 | http://www.mzv.cz/beijing/en/ |
Denmark | 8532-9900 | http://kina.um.dk/ |
Djibouti | 6532-7857 | |
Dominica | 6532-0838 | |
Ecuador | 6532-3849 | |
Egypt | 6532-1825 | http://www.mfa.gov.eg/english/embassies/Egyptian_Embassy_China/Pages/default.aspx |
Equatorial Guinea | 6532-3679 | |
Ethiopia | 6532-5258 | http://www.ethiopiaemb.org.cn/ |
Fiji | 6532-7313 | |
Finland | 6532-1817 | http://www.finland.cn/public/default.aspx?culture=en-US&contentlan=2 |
France | 8532-8383 | http://www.ambafrance-cn.org/ |
Gabon | 6532-2810 | |
Germany | 6532-2161 | http://www.china.diplo.de/Vertretung/china/de/Startseite.html |
Ghana | 6532-1319 | |
Greece | 6532-1317 | http://www.grpressbeijing.com/ |
Guinea | 6532-3679 | |
Hungary | 6532-0665 | http://www.mfa.gov.hu/kulkepviselet/CN/en/mainpage.htm |
Iceland | 6590-7795 | http://www.iceland.is/iceland-abroad/cn/english/embassy-information |
India | 6532-1908 | http://www.indianembassy.org.cn/ |
Indonesia | 6532-5486 | http://www.kemlu.go.id/beijing/Pages/default.aspx |
Iran | 6532-4871-3 | http://beijing.mfa.ir/?siteid=258 |
Iraq | 6532-3385 | |
Ireland | 6532-2691 | http://www.embassyofireland.cn/ |
Israel | 6505-0328 | http://embassies.gov.il/beijing/Pages/default.aspx |
Italy | 8532-7600 | http://www.ambpechino.esteri.it/ambasciata_pechino/en/ |
Jamaica | 6532-0667 | http://www.jamaicagov.cn/ |
Japan | 6532-2361 | http://www.cn.emb-japan.go.jp/ |
Kenya | 6532-3381 | http://www.kenyaembassy.cn/ |
Korea (South) | 6505-2608 | http://chn.mofa.go.kr/worldlanguage/asia/chn/main/index.jsp |
Kuwait | 6532-2216 | |
Lao People's Democratic Republic | 6532-1224 | |
Lebanon | 6532-1560 | |
Liberia | 6440-3007 | |
Libya | 6532-3666 | |
Lithuania | 8451-8520 | https://cn.mfa.lt/cn/en/ |
Luxembourg | 6513-5937 | http://pekin.mae.lu/en |
Madagascar | 6532-1353 | http://www.ambamadbeijing.com/ |
Malaysia | 6532-2531 | |
Marshall Islands | 6532-5819 | |
Mauritania | 6532-1346 | http://www.ambarim-beijing.com/Introduction.asp |
Mexico | 6532-2574 | http://embamex.sre.gob.mx/china/ |
Moldova | 6532-5494 | |
Mongolia | 6532-1203 | http://www.mongolembassychina.org/ |
Morocco | 6532-1489 | http://www.moroccoembassy.cn/En/Main.asp |
Mozambique | 6532-3664 | |
Myanmar | 6532-0351 | http://www.myanmarembassy.com/ |
Nepal | 6532-1795 | http://nepalembassy.org.cn/ |
Netherlands | 8532-0200 | http://china.nlembassy.org/ |
New Zealand | 6532-2731 | http://www.nzembassy.com/china |
Niger | 6532-2768 | |
Nigeria | 6532-3631 | |
Norway | 6532-2261 | http://www.norway.cn/Embassy/Embassy/ |
Oman | 6532-3692 | |
Pakistan | 6532-2504 | http://www.pakbj.org.pk/ |
Papua New Guinea | 6532-4312 | http://www.pngembassy.org.cn/?thread-2645-1.html |
Peru | 6532-3477 | http://www.embperuchina.com/ |
Philippines | 6532-1872 | http://www.philembassychina.org/ |
Poland | 6532-1235 | http://beijing.mfa.gov.pl/en/ |
Portugal | 6532-3497 | http://www.portugalembassychina.com/?lng=en&aId=0 |
Qatar | 6532-2231 | |
Romania | 6532-3442 | http://beijing.mae.ro/en |
Russian Federation | 6532-1381 | http://www.russia.org.cn/eng/ |
Saudi Arabia | 6532-4825/5325 | |
Senegal | 6532-5035/3798 | |
Serbia | 6532-3516/1693 | http://www.embserbia.cn/ |
Singapore | 6532-1115 | http://www.mfa.gov.sg/content/mfa/overseasmission/beijing.html |
Slovakia | 6532-1531 | http://www.foreign.gov.sk/peking |
Slovenia | 6468-1030 | http://peking.veleposlanistvo.si/ |
South Africa | 6532-0171 | |
Spain | 6532-1986/3629 | http://www.mae.es/embajadas/pekin |
Sri Lanka | 6532-1861/1862 | http://www.slemb.com/ |
Sudan | 6532-3715/2205 | |
Sweden | 6532-9790 | http://www.swedenabroad.com/en-GB/Embassies/Beijing/ |
Switzerland | 6532-2736 | https://www.eda.admin.ch/beijing |
Syria | 6532-1372/1356 | http://www.syrembassy.cn/ |
Tanzania | 6532-1491/1408 | http://www.tanzaniaembassy.org.cn/ |
Thailand | 6532-1749 | http://www.thaiembbeij.org/thaiembbeij/th/index.php |
Tunisia | 6532-5818 | http://embassyoftunisia.com/ |
Turkey | 6532-1715 | http://beijing.emb.mfa.gov.tr/ |
Uganda | 6532-1708 | http://ugandaembassy.com.cn/zh-hans/ |
Ukraine | 6532-6359 | |
United Arab Emirates | 6532-7650 | http://uae-embassy.ae/embassies/cn |
UK | 6532-1937 | https://www.gov.uk/government/world/organisations/british-embassy-beijing |
Uruguay | 6532-4445 | |
USA | 6532-3831 | http://beijing.usembassy-china.org.cn/ |
Uzbekistan | 6532-6305 | http://www.uzconsul-sh.com/ |
Venezuela/Bolivar | 6532-1295 | |
Viet Nam | 6532-1155 | http://www.vnemba.org.cn/en |
Yemen | 6532-1558 | |
Zambia | 6532-1554 | http://www.zambiaembassy-beijing.com/ |
Zimbabwe | 6532-3795 |
- Beijing Municipal Public Security: Visit www.bjgaj.gov.cn
- Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC): Visit www.osac.gov
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