I am applying for driving license in Beijing. Step 2: Apply!

You can relate to our article “How to get a Driver’s License in Beijing?” for all the steps. In the article ” Step 1: Health Check!”, I am sharing how it went for the Health Check. The next step is to submit your application to the Foreign Affairs Department of the Beijing Motor Vehicule Administration (BMVA).

1) What I prepared before going to the Foreign Affairs Department of the Beijing Motor Vehicule Administration (BMVA)

  • translation form for foreign driving license in ChinesePassport with residential visa (valid at least 90 days) and photo copy
  • Original police registration form and photo copy
  • 5 ID color photo (22 x 33 mm = 1 inch) with white back ground
  • 50 RMB for application fees
  • Original health certificate
  • Driver’s license application form (you can download from here). You need to fill it in Chinese (you can ask a Chinese friend or a colleague if you can’t write Chinese characters).
  • Original foreign driver’s license and photo copy.
  • Translation in Chinese of the foreign driver’s license (see below picture).  You don’t need to have it done by an official translator. My colleague helped me and the officier asked me write it again (in Chinese characters) because of inaccurate translation.

2) How to get there?

Beijing Motor Vehicle Administration

You need to ask a taxi to drive you there (you could have someone applying for you)

No.18 Southeast 4th ring, Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100023
北京 朝阳区 南四环东路18号 十八里店南桥
Tel: 86-10-87625150

3) How to proceed?

  • Enter the building through the main entrance.
  • Go on the left side, you will see a small sign indicating the office for foreigners.
  • You have to go through a very narrow corridor, pass the restrooms and you will finally get into a room.
  • Ask the staff for queuing ticket (they will check if you have all your papers).
  • Finally when your turn comes, the officer will check your documents. If you have all the documents, he will take your application into account and ask you to visit counter #4 in order to pay the 50 RMB application fees. Once done, he will call you back and suggest you 3 dates for the theoretical examination (no more than 3 dates).
  • If you select a date and you need to cancel, you must go back at least 24 hours in advance, otherwise, it will be registered as a failure for the examination. The officer will give you a paper with your examination date as well as your references.

4) Prepare for the theoretical examination

The officer will give you a phone number (6376 7890 or 135 2276 5212) from where you can purchase a book to study the Chinese Driving regulations. Because of National holiday, I couldn’t buy this book and I studied from 2 websites:

See you soon for the last step: the theoretical examination & the delivery of the license.

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I am living in China since 2007. I am sharing my experiences for other expatriates to make their stay in Beijing more enjoyable. As I am writing this blog for SCOUT Real Estate agency, I am also computing updates about the Real Estate market in Beijing, not only on residential properties, but as well on commercial locals and offices. Hope you enjoy your reading!