Wellness & Spa Centres
The technique of massage has been developed in China during 5000 years being essential for well-being and muscle treatments. You can find a high variety of massage treatments
The word Massage comes from the French friction of “kneading”, the Arabic word massa meaning “touch and handle” and from the Latin meaning “dough”. Chinese massage covers mostly every part of the body including especial techniques in food and head massage. Some treatments like cupping or are very popular in Beijing and in the rest of China.
Cubbing releases through suction and negative pressure a rigid soft tissue which drains excess fluids and toxins, loosing adhesions and lift connective tissue and bringing blood flow to stagnant skin and muscles.
Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. As part of traditional Chinese medicine it aims to restore and maintain health through the stimulation of specific points on the body.
Spa Centres
- Zen Spa www.zenspa.com.cn, contact : info@zenspa.com.cn, phone : 010-8731-2530
- 99 Massage and SPA Center Tel : 6501-0799.
iSpa www.ispa.cn; Reservation Sanlitun : 6507-1517 ; UpperEast : 5907-8877 ; Gulou: 6202-6708.
- Long Island Massage & SPA www.longislandspa.com.cn; phone:(+86-10)6551-6112
- Peninsula SPA by ESPA spapbj@peninsula.com; Tel:(+86-10)6510-6090.
- Aqua Salus Urban Retreat reservation@aquasalus.cn
Tel : (+86-10)6501-2881/6639
- Herborist SPA www.herborist-spa.com
Tel (Sanlitun): (+86-10)6416-5179
- Kocoon Spa Lounge & Elixirs www.kocoonspalounge.com;
Tel reservations (Sanlitun) +86-10-6410-5016
- Spa de Feng www.spadefeng.com
This SPA in Beijing provides healthcare only for Men.
- Bodhi Therapeutic Retreat www.bodhi.com.cn; reservation@bodhi.com.cn; tel : (+86-10)6417-9595
- Oriental Taipan www.taipan.com.cn
tel : (+8610)8532-2177 SanLiTun. & others locations in Beijing consult their website.
- Aixin Massage Keep-fit Center www.akfc.com.cn
This center provides Chinese traditional Massage by the Blind.
- Dragonfly Therapeutic Retreat www.dragonfly.net.cn; contact: relax@dragonfly.net.cn
- Long Island Massage & SPA www.longislandspa.com.cn; phone: (+86-10)6551-6112
- Peninsula SPA by ESPA spapbj@peninsula.com; Tel: (+86-10)6510-6090
- Aqua Salus Urban Retreat www.aquasalus.cn
Tel : (+86-10)6501-2881/6639
- Herborist SPA www.herborist-spa.com
Tel (Sanlitun): (+86-10)6416-5179
- Spa de Feng www.spadefeng.com
This SPA in Beijing provides healthcare only for Men.
- Bodhi Therapeutic Retreat www.bodhi.com.cn; reservation@bodhi.com.cn; tel : (+86-10)6417-9595
- Oriental Taipan www.taipan.com.cn
Tel : (+8610)8532-2177 Sanlitun. & others locations in Beijing consult their website.
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