Maison des Associations de Pékin


The website shows you a list of Foreign French speaking association established in the capital of China in order to help foreign people with their new life’s in Beijing.

You will be able to meet some new friends and share nice activities, dinners and parties!

Association Francaise Francophone de Pekin (AFP)

This Association involves all French speaking countries and their expat people in the city if Beijing. It was created in 2007 in order to organize meetings, sport events and cultural activities for foreign people living abroad. The AFP was originally borne on the 22 of July 2007 during a gala dinner before a general executive meeting in the Kerry Hotel with a group of people from the diplomatic environment in Beijing.

Assembly of French Citizens Abroad

AFE is not an association but it represents the interests of the French. It is the 4th Assembly of the Republic of France for French people abroad who form a little group within the national community. By their number, they nevertheless constitute a demographic subset of 2.1 million expatriates.

French Democratic Association of China

This association is committed to the ADFE and brings the French living abroad who share the same values of citizenship.

Alumni Association CESEM

CESEM is an Alliance of Beijing Students that aims to represent the community of students and graduates Franco-Chinese. They represent them in China and help them with their exchanges too.

Families Association Franco-Chinese (AFFC)

The Franco-Chinese Family Association of Beijing was registered 1901 in France. It starts from the premise that they share common challenges and wanted to meet people outside their country to exchange experiences. They have a representation at the Consulate, in the French School and share thematic forums.


During the last 110 years the Foreign Commerce Association offers a complete service of help, advice, experience and services for settle the French economy down.

French football team in Beijing

The French Team in Beijing meets Football enthusiasts and fans of Blues in France. They are organizing weekly trainings and tournaments, where friendliness and team spirit are the key words on the field. Enjoy them if you want to play football and meet new friends. It is not only for French people.

Window China

Window on China is open to show the French traditions and gives conferences once a month to show Chinese subjects and aspects.

Beijing Improv

This association is an improvisation workshop theatre group. Have fun and develop your imagination and your acting in their workshop.

Young Economic Chamber of the Beijing French

Young enterprising French expats decided to come together to create the Young Economic Chamber of the French in Beijing. They present their action and meet new enterprising people to make a contribution with new business in Beijing.


The FLAM Program was created in 2001 by members of the Superior Council of French Abroad, Senators and representative people outside France in order to create groups of foreign French people in Beijing and highlight the French language.

Remember the French

This association contributes to seek, understand and write the history of those who have preceded them in China so they can transmit to future generations the history of French China by keeping their memory alive.

OTE China

It summarizes sixty islanders living in China and recognizing the growing interest of the Meeting for the Middle Empire. Their start was a group of residents in Beijing which gave its efforts to establish a network to serve all.

Home Beijing

The Beijing Home Association is affiliated with the FIAFE (International Federation of French and Francophone Accueils al Abroad) and aims to help expat people during the adaptation and their integration in Beijing. They organize meetings between French people and planed interesting sightseeing tours. You can enjoy their activities, guide tours, theater and sport events.

Union of French Abroad

UFE is an association that represents the interests of France abroad. They operate with public institutions, the French Council, social organizations abroad and offer assistance for people who want to return back to France. This association represents around 100 different countries.

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