The IFFC is the International Football Association in Beijing.
A few football clubs played in this Association in order to do some sport and have a nice time with friends during the weekends. If you like real team-spirit and enjoy playing football, try to join one of these clubs. Usually players like to play in their own country clubs but it is not required to enter in one team. The teams play in two different Leagues depending on the professional level: the Premier League is on first place and the First Division is the second league.
All League and Cup matches will consist of 2 x 45 minute halves. In the Cup there will be no extra time, and penalties will be taken to decide the outcome of any match that results in a draw at the end of normal time. Players must follow the official rules of FIFA being fair and having a good behavior also before and after the match.
Every team and player needs to be registered in the official league in order to be allowed to play in the matches.
It is very easy to register:
Send a picture of you and a photocopy of your passport HERE.
Football teams need to register too at the website and need to pay some special fees after that.
To register your team click HERE.
There are four different categories a team needs to pay:
1. Team League entry fee: 1.000RMB
2. Player registration: 100RMB per player
3a. Deposit for teams who minimum one season played without major problems: 2.000RMB (with problems then up to 4.000RMB)
3b. Deposit for new teams joining the IFFC: 4.000RMB
4. The match fee: 950RMB per match per team in Chaoyang Stadium and Lidu. RMB 450 per match per team when the pitch is free (ISB, WAB, Dulwich)
Organisation of the competition is at the sole discretion of the IFFC. Teams will compete in either the Premier League or First Division. The season will be split in two halves (Sept – Dec and March – June). In 2012/13 there will be 10/11 teams in each division. Each team will play the other teams in their division once during each half of the season.
Each team must designate three team leaders: a chairman, manager and captain.
Their responsibilities include:
1. Team communication with the IFFC ExCo, SuperCom, DisCom and other team leaders, both directly and via the IFFC website.
2. Ensuring teams observe and adhere to the schedule and any amendments thereto.
3. All team registration matters
During the match it is also important to have a look on the different equipment the team needs and the documents every team should have during the plays. In the official website we explain you everything in order to make you clear all the main aspects.
Have a look on the IFFC OFFICIAL
North 3rd ring road No.30, Xisilizhuang 2, Office 26B
Chaoyang District 100112 (Beijing, P. R. China)
Mobile: Gregory Desbuquois (+86) 139 1137 9593
Phone: (+86) 010-139-1137-9593
Fax: 010-8471 8365
Hello, My name is Prince Boateng. I am from Ghana but I live in China. I would like to join your highly rated football club. I am fast, skillful, strong with very good ball control. i believe i have a part to play in your team.
Thank you.