If you have a Chinese driving license and you have been lucky enough to receive a Beijing plate number, this post is for you! We are sharing here how to check your records, both for driving license points and if you got any fine.
All what you need to do is to visit the website of Beijing Traffic Management Bureau 北京市公安局公安交通管理局: http://bj.122.gov.cn/and/or download the application on your mobile phone. All explained in details below.
How to get your record information from the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau website?
- 1 Visit the website : to check if you have records, go to the top left corner
- 2 To check records linked to your driving licenc, enter your driving license #
- 4 To check records linked to your plate number, enter your plate number and engine number
How to get your record information from the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau App?
Actually the application does much more than only checking your records from August 2015: In order to handle faster motor vehicle accidents and to ease the city traffic (= avoid having cars involved in an traffic incident blocking the road for hours till the police gets to the location), the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau, the Beijing Insurance Regulatory Bureau and the Beijing Insurance Industry associations jointly developed an innovative fast traffic accident technology system or e-mobile application designed to ensure rapid removal of vehicles from of the accident scene and therefore fast recovery of traffic.
How to download the APP? visit http://bj.122.gov.cn/views/app.html and download the APP. You can also subscribe to the Wechat account and receive updates on temporary traffic regulations.
- How to check your records on the APP?
[will be added later]
- How to report a minor traffic accident in real time?
http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2015-07/19/c_134425837.htm. This application can be used in case of minor accidents, when vehicules are little damaged and passengers got only minor injuries. In Beijing, more than 90 percent of traffic accidents are considered minor.
The two parties should agree to use the APP and provide the relevant information such as:
– shoot scene photos (including signs and markings, the license plate number, ……)
– take a picture of the 2 parties’ accident driver’s licenses + enter the number in the system.
– Drivers’ phone numbers
– ID card or passport numbers.
– License plate numbers + picture to download to the APP
– Insurance company and policy numbers.
If you can’t use or don’t have the APP or if you have any difficulties, you can dial “122” to reach the police. However, they will push you to use the APP while alarming the nearest traffic brigade so they can take relevant actions.
The traffic control department will remotely determine the responsibility for the accident and approve the cars removal from the scene: the scene photos will be checked immediately after having been submitted. You will receive a “Photo approval” notification from the APP and car removal authorization: do not take the initiative to remove the car from the scene, as the traffic control department can conduct on-site or off-site check to punish the driver(s) according to relevant laws and regulations. If the two parties can’t agree on the responsibilities, the Brigade will determine the responsibility for the accident using the accident image information. If still disagreeing with the decision, you can wait for the Traffic brigade to reach the site.
You can use the same APP to report the accident to the insurance company. Insurance companies will record the time of the accident, images, GPS location and other information to simplify the process.
Crosswalk failure: 20 RMB up to 200 RMB
- Driving after drinking alcohol: 200 RMB to 500 RMB and driving license suspension for 1 to 3 months
- Driving drink: 200 to 2000 RMB and 3 to 6 months driving license suspension
- Driving a car on highway with one passenger in excess: 200 to 500 RMB
- Driving a car on highway with more than 20% passengers in excess: 500 to 2000 RMB
- Illegal parking: 20 to 200 RMB. The traffic management is not allowed to move your vehicle (or should bear all the fees including those if they damage your vehicle)
- Leaving the scene of an accident without handling the case: 200 to 2000 RMB
- Driving 50% faster than prescribed: 200 to 2000 RMB
- Forcing another vehicle to violate traffic regulation and causing accident: 200 to 2000 RMB
- Not following End-number license plate policy: 200 RMB. vehicles in Beijing city (inside the 5th Ring Road) shall cease going on public roads for one day per week from 07:00 to 20:00 according to their end number of the license plates: from Monday to Friday, vehicles with end numbers 1 or 6, 2 or 7, 3 or 8, 4 or 9, 5 or 0 can circulate in Beijing. Day will change every 3 months.
- …
Reminder: you have 15 days to pay the fines!
Useful words in case of accident in China
车祸 | chē huò | car accident |
交通事故 | jiāo tōng shì gù | traffic accident |
肇事者 | zhào shì zhě | the liable party |
车险 | chē xiǎn | vehicle insurance |
责任 | zé rèn | liability/responsibility |
理赔 | lǐ péi | seek compensation |
赔偿 | péi cháng | compensation |
拖车 | tuō chē | get towed |
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