2014 Chinese holidays schedule has been released


Here is a schedule of the 2014 Chinese holidays, it has been released last week by the Chinese authorities and displayed on CCTV (The China Central Television).


There is few surprises, except that there were rumors that the government had decided to have less work on weekends, but actually if you were expecting not to work on weekends, you’ll be disapointed. Indeed, this typical Chinese system when every holiday you have means that you’ll have to work on week ends to compensate is going to work full force this year. Prepare yourself to see Chinese employees argues about this and ask for wore worked weekd ends in compensation for more holidays. Holiday bargaining is a fantastic feature of Chinese culture. It is understandable, Chinese people have very few holidays and they have famlies who live very far away seen the size of the country, hence the need for additional holidays.


Another thing, there has been no special zones introduced to better monitor the transportation. All of China is, this year again, going to be on holiday exactly the same day. In 2013, this has caused a severe strain on the transportation system, it means that this year will be the same. Holidays are the worst time period to go on holidays in China, everything is overcrowded and there is no way you can buy a ticket.


This Year the Chinese new Year is quite early, it begins end of january and after one week of hoidays, you work on saturday 8th (but not on sunday), same kind of scheme for the national holiday in october.


You can have a look on the scedule and enjoy your holidays in 2014. Log live the lunar calendar ! Long live holidays ! Long live week ends (ooops) !



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