Hong Kong International Medical Clinic, Beijing

1. Medical Team

Hong Kong International Medical Clinic Beijing was founded in 1993 and also was the first joint venture clinic approved by the Ministry of Health in China. Located in one of the more modern areas of Beijing in the Swissôtel Office Tower, the main aim of the Clinic has always been the healthcare of the entire foreign community in Beijing but also of all their patients, including Chinese families too.

Reception Hong Kong International Medical Clinic

Interview with Jacqueline Jiang:

Marketing Manager of Hong Kong International Medical Clinic

Could you please introduce me the Clinic?5. General Practice

“First we have Dr. Harry S.Y. Fang which is the first Chairman of Board. He is a popular doctor and the winner of the Grand Bauhinia Medal of Hong Kong visited the Mainland (China) in 1990. With support from Mr. Chen Min Zhang, the former minister of Ministry of Health of China, Dr. Fang built the first joint-venture medical organization-Hong Kong International Medical Clinic Beijing. The executive team of the clinic set up a high-level management model for the entire centre.

The facilities at the clinic are well equipped and our healthcare professionals make use of their knowledge for providing the best medical service to our patients. Under the constant effort of the team, Hong Kong International Medical Clinic has become a well-known International medical organization with a high sense of responsibility towards its patients and families.”

What main services does the Hong Kong International Clinic offer?

“As an International Medical Institution, we have a team of experienced high-quality professionals, advanced equipment and an elegant and spacious environment. We offer a full health packet of family medicine and consultation, surgery, pediatrics, OB and GYN, dental services, dermatology, ophthalmology, ENT, TCM, physical examinations, expert consultations, as well as pharmacy, laboratory, radiology and colour Doppler sonography.”

8. Dental ClinicWhat are the main facilities?

“We are an International standard comprehensive Medical clinic, offering not only 12 hours specialist consultation but also a 24 hours emergency service. Our facilities go from ECG, Radiology, Panoramic and Radiography service to Laboratory and Pharmacy.

It is truth that we were not able to install some large medical equipment in the Clinic because of the fact of being located in a hotel but we offer an out-patient Clinic licence. This means that we always cooperate with the best local hospitals for some major facilities examination, such as Mammogram, MRI, and CT scan, Gastroscopy, Colonoscopy and so on.

Do you need a private health insurance in China to be assisted at the Clinic?

“Yes, we do. Most of our clients are international insurance holders. To make it more convenient for our clients with medical insurance, the clinic has cooperated with more than 50 international and domestic insurance cooperators for the direct billing services, such as: MSH, Cigna, MetLife, DKV, Allianz, Global Health, HTH Worldwide, ICBC, BUPA, PING AN, FESCO and so on.”

Which are the most common issues or asked services?

“The most common services for our patients are: Family Medicine, Disease Treatment and Prevention Medicine, Physical check-up’s, Dental service and our TCM Chiropractic service.”

Which treatments or type of surgery is the most needed?

The most needed surgery procedures at Hong Kong Clinic are:

IV Injection, Physiotherapy, Inhalation, Dressing Changes, Plaster or splint and some day surgery.

Do you also use Chinese medicine? What do you recommend most?6. Pediatrics

“Yes, we have TCM specialist and our doctors also recommend the use of traditional Chinese medicine like acupuncture and moxibustion, TCM massage and chiropractic. The best way is to combine Chinese medicine with western medicine but it depends of course of the issue.”

Tell me more about the professional career of the doctors here…

“Our experienced multi-lingual medical professionals came from Beijing’s renowned hospitals and have International experience too. Nurses are Chinese but they all have at least five years’ working experience in well-known local hospitals and some of them have been trained abroad. They always can speak Chinese and English or Japanese. Our clinic also provides on-the-job training and several courses to help our staff to progress.”

What kind of people usually frequents the clinic?

“At the Clinic we mostly have foreign patients about 60% but also around 40% Chinese people. Frequent patients are: International insurance holders, executives working in foreign companies, entertainment celebrities, tourists in Beijing and of course expat and Chinese families.”

How is the relationship between doctor and patient?

“Our clinic is just like a big family since it was opened 20 years ago. The relationship between our staff is amazing and very close but with the clients it’s also like that: friendly, professional and close too. We share our happiness and our worries which is always helpful when working in the health sphere as an entire life experience. Every honest value helped us to grow up every day and offer a recognized high quality health service.”


Address:beijing hong kong clinic map

8/F-9/F Office Tower,Hong Kong Macau Center- Swissotel,

#2 Chao Yang Men Bei Da Jie, Beijing,China 100027

Website: www.hkclinic.com

Tel: (010)65532288 2345/2346/2347

Fax: (010)65539728

E-mail: service@hkclinic.com

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