Compared with last year’s Chinese new year, this year has been rather calm. Of course, the firecrackers and the fireworks were everywhere to be seen, still, it was perceptible that it was less intense.
The Beijing authorities have made prevention programs to curb down the excess of fireworks some years, because of security issues. The Beijing citizens are not always cautious enough when they launch the fireworks, especailly since many have drunk alcohol from the Spring Festival. The figure for accidents this year is encouraging, it is down by 48%, and this is really good news
The police has made controls and seized some illegal type of fireworks that were a threat for public safety, especially since these fireworks can be manufactured illegally by people not aware of the danger of the products they use in the making.
The curbing down of fireworks sales can be attributed as well to a slow down of the Chinese economy, since the fireworks were substantially more expensive this year. This is on purpose to avoid excessive fireworks shot at the same time. There were more restriction regarding where and when you could fire them.
Another positive reason for the Chinese people to launch less fireworks is that citizens are becoming more responsive about ecological issues. Every year, fireworks produce a significant amount of pollution in a city where there are serious air issues. In addition, fireworks bring amazing amounts of trash the authorities have to deal with. In this regard, the slowing down in fireworks is very good news for the environment.
The results could be seen : a 38% drop in fireworks sales compared with last year.
Still, do not be worried, the tradition is still well alive and fireworks have been used in Beijing this year, a display of unity of the Chinese populations in this festival, and casting away demons to celebrate the year of the horse.
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